17 December 2015
06 December 2015
28 November 2015
Nostalgic Newsletter
John Moreels is returning to our programme in February to present his 3rd instalment of Nostalgic Views of the North and you may wish to have sight of his latest Newsletter, which summarises the onerous responsibility of the Stewardship of such a unique collection. It may inspire you to help!
Photo Memories Organisation.
www.photomemoriesarchive.org.uk Nov. 2015 Issue 3
Ward Philipson Photographic Archive Project - Images of North East Heritage 1770 -1960's.
It is now 2 years...since we started this project in October 2013 and the feedback we have had from everyone is fantastic. THANK YOU! without your enthusiasm for the project I know we would not have achieved the large number of images on the web site. The scanning and restoring of the photographs by the volunteer group is very hard work and at times quite boring. Unfortunately many of the glass plates and negatives are damaged and/or deteriorating. Some beyond repair and many requiring many hours of restoration. At present we have over 7,000 images on the site - way above the number we were expecting when we set out on the project. The feedback and information in identifying many of the images by you, our supporters, has been a great help. Help we hoped would come when we launched our web site, thanks to the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund. Well, that help did arrive BUT we still need more information and help in identifying places, people and views. Do you know anyone who could spend a couple of hours on their computer at home and add information to our photographs? It would be very much appreciated.
Thank you to the many visitors to our site, which continues to increase year on year. This year we will have had over 20,000 unique visitors and over 400,000 page hits, a significant increase to visitors we had in 2014. This will hopefully increase again in 2016 as we have just launched our presence on Facebook and Twitter, see logos below for access. More information later in this newsletter.
Our presentation team are overwhelmed…. with the requests for talks and presentations throughout the whole North East area. Unfortunately, due to illness, we had to cancel a few presentations in the last few months of 2015, but we hope all will be O.K. for 2016. Thank you for the get well wishes from many of you, we hope to have John back to his usual self after the new year and the medical attention he is getting takes effect. Anyone who was affected with the cancellations can contact John and Sheila and try to rearrange a new date in 2016.
During 2015 we visited over 40 groups and organisations with total audience of over 2,500 people at venues including Whickham, Durham, Ponteland, Slaley, Darlington, Riding Mill and Acomb, to name a few. It is surprising how many people in the area have memories and facts relating to other parts of the region. They either lived or worked there before moving to their current location. Minds full of information and facts we can now record and share with future generations. Thank you for the hundreds of feedback comments we have received, they are really appreciated. See some of them on the web site: www.photomemoriesarchive.org.uk
We enjoyed every one of the fascinating groups and we hope everyone who attended did too. Until we had the web site our only contact with our ‘Co-opted Researchers’ was at these events. The enthusiasm and feedback at the presentations was really the force which kept us going with the project. Thank you!
Westgate P.A.S.T. need more volunteers .....
Westgate P.A.S.T. volunteers have been a great asset to our project and without them life would have been very difficult and an even greater challenge. Despite some volunteers having health problems they have continued with the never ending challenge of scanning, restoring and researching the deteriorating images. The success rate is increasing but the ‘stack’ awaiting work never seems to get smaller. They are based in Newcastle upon Tyne and need more volunteers and we need your help.
Please contact Arthur Frelford on 07811 366248 or visit our web site to make contact.and find out how you can help as a volunteer. www.photomemoriesarchive.org.uk
Thank you to the many organisations and groups who are using our images and supporting our project....One of our main aims is to save and share the Ward Philipson Photographic Images. During the last year we have supplied copy images to many local and national organisations, including: B.B.C. Television who featured Bamburgh Castle on Coast, Baltic 39 in High Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne with images of the Wards print factory in 1905, Local Care Homes displaying images while helping dementia patients and the many publications throughout the world featuring our photographs. We are now on Facebook and Twitter, thanks to our volunteers who understand social media. Your help in promoting the social media sites would be appreciated. You can access our pages by clicking the logos at the bottom of our newsletter. Thank you!
Web Site Improvements..
We listened to your comments and you will notice the upload speed of the images has improved. When we started with the project we did not appreciate the number of images which would be uploaded onto the website. We don't like changing things if they are not broken, but in this case the improvements have worked. Thank you for the many positive and complimentary comments about our speed changes.
Most of us are not computer ‘geeks’ and we like everything clear and simple. We have also tried to make the site user friendly for everyone including ourselves. That includes trying to identify and find specific images. Tagging is an art and whatever tags our volunteers add to the images they could easily add more. Our unique ' Tag Directory' (see photograph above) lists all the tags currently being used - including the spelling mistakes - and by clicking this link you can select the range of images you are looking for. We know there could be more and there may be spelling mistakes. If you find any or would like a tag attached to a specific photograph just let us know in the comments box and we will try and accommodate your request. Our visitor numbers increase every week, probably with the help of Facebook and Twitter, and the site is being accessed from all over the world, mainly by ex-pats. Their knowledge of the images adds to the facts and comments being added. Please share us with all your friends, family and colleagues wherever they are in the world.
Book your Talk/Presentation for 2016…
We already have over 40 talks booked for 2016 and will be restricting our talks in 2017 to concentrate on urgent requirements of the Save and Share Photographic Project. We will also be developing NEW talks for 2018 ! Sounds a long way ahead, but this project will take us many years. We have a few dates still available for 2016, please contact John or Sheila - our presentation team - if you would like to book a talk. If you would like details of our NEW talks, when available, just let us know. we will develop new presentations as we continue to discover new images and the image subjects continue to expand, with new areas/towns being discovered among the photographs every month. If you or you know of a group who would like to share and join in our project, please contact: John or Sheila
tel:191 386 7297 or send your details tojohnmoreels@outlook.com
Durham Cathedral from Durham Station – can you help us date this photograph?
The railway station in Durham City. The first stop to visit one of the great experiences of Europe which has been recognized by the award of World Heritage Site status. The station has changed considerably and we are sure someone who is railway enthusiast could identify and date the image. We now have over 7,000 images on the web site with around 25% of them undated. We have identified most of the photographs but there are still some which need clarification. Look in tags 'new' and 'new2' if you can help. There are many more on the collections pages of the web site awaiting your comments, facts and memories. We would love to hear from you, please add to the comments box below the images.
It is Christmas Time...
and we have the ideal gift.....
‘Nostalgic Views of the North’ book 3…
Are you looking for a Christmas gift which will be viewed throughout the years? Our books are in great demand as presents for any occasion, especially at Christmas. You can order direct form us at a special discounted price. Please see details below or on our web site.
Photo Memories Organisation volunteers would like to wish all of you,
your family and friends:
A Very Merry Christmas and
A Happy New Year for 2016.
SAVE £3……. SAVE £3……….SAVE £3
LIMITED EDITION Signed copies of BOOK 3 are now available at a special discounted price of £11.95 (post and packing FREE). Full details available on our web site.
Ideal for any gift for someone in your life.
Order before 15th Dec 2015 for Christmas delivery.
To order your copy send a cheque payable to: Photo Memories Organisation' c/o Sheila Moreels,
7, Coventry Road, Durham. DH1 5XD
or contact us directly by e mail -johnmoreels@outlook.com
Tel: 0191 386 7297.
Do you use social media?......Do you have lots of friends on Facebook and Twitter?.......Send them a Birthday Wish with our special birthday card available FREE on our web site. Select 'birthday' in our tag directory and download the image.
14 October 2015
Union Chain Bridge Friends Annual Report
The Trustees present their Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 30th September 2015 The provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” (March 2005) amended 2008, is used in preparing this Annual Report and Financial Statement, so far as it is applicable to the Trust’s circumstances.
The Friends of the Union Chain Bridge is a registered charity in England and Wales (registration in Scotland is pending) constituted as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) under a Constitution dated the 4th May 2015. The conversion of the charitable trust into a CIO was approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the charity held in the Village Hall, Paxton on the 29th January 2015.
The Objects of the Charitable Trust
The objects of the Trust are:
1. To promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical, natural and man-made environment by promoting the historical and architectural heritage of the Union Chain Bridge (“the Bridge”) in the parishes of Horncliffe, Northumberland, England and Hutton, Berwickshire, Scotland and of the natural environment in which the Bridge is situated.
2. To advance the education of the public, in particular in relation to the history and architecture of the heritage of the Bridge by developing public interest in the architecture, history and heritage of the Bridge by means of publications, public lectures and exhibitions and co-operation with schools and other educational establishments and other bodies and societies.
All the activities of the Trust to date have been in full accordance with the objects of the Charity. Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities
The law applicable to charities in England and Wales requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources of the charity for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the trustees are required to:
select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently
observe the methods and principles in the Charities SORP
make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent
state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material
departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements
prepare the financial statements on the ongoing concern basis unless it is inappropriate tom
presume that the charity will continue in operation
It will be appreciated that, as the charity is in its infancy and, particularly, as yet without investments and/or investment income , the financial statement set out on page 5 is basic and that the majority of the methods and principles set out in the SORP are as yet inapplicable to the charity’s accounts. The trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 2011, the Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 and the provisions of the trust deed/constitution. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
The Trustees meet in accordance with a meeting calendar; they currently meet on a monthly cycle but additional meetings are arranged as required. Their business is conducted in accordance with the Constitution dated the 5th may 2015. There is no formal committee structure but ad hoc committees and working groups are appointed from time to time to deal with specific aspects of business delegated to them. The vast majority of business, however, is dealt with by the full Trust body.
Review of Progress and Achievements for 2014/2015
In the sixteen months since the formation of the Trust at a public meeting held in Paxton House on the 25th June 2014, the Trustees have been active in promoting the interests of the Trust in furtherance of their principal objective – namely, the full repair and restoration of the Union Chain
Bridge in advance of its bicentenary in July 2020.
As is mentioned earlier in this report, the charity’s first Constitution was replaced by a more comprehensive trust document earlier this year, following approval at an extraordinary General meeting in January. The perceived role of the Charity had changed fundamentally since its formation as an unincorporated body. It became clear that it was expected to play a significant part in attracting grant funding and NCC indicated that they expected that local charities involved with projects such as this should have incorporated status for various financial and legal reasons.
Accordingly, the membership agreed to convert the charity to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (effectively the same as a limited company but within the control of the Charity Commission rather than Companies House) and this conversion was completed on the 5th May. The charity is now registered as a charity in England and Wales and application has been made to register with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Although the Bridge is the joint responsibility of Northumberland County Council (NCC) and Scottish Borders Council (SBC), the former authority is the lead authority for purposes of day-today maintenance of the Bridge and for taking forward the repair and restoration project towards completion before July 2020. A close and co-operative working relationship has been established with the principal NCC officers involved with the project – James Fell, Heritage and Events Development Manager and Simon Rudman, Highways Asset Manager – and with their SBC counterparts. Trustee representatives are to meet James Fell and Simon Rudman with the Leader of NCC and SBC representatives at Northumberland County Hall on October 27th, to discuss the role
of the Friends in the project and to elaborate on the specific initiatives which they see the Friends undertaking; a verbal report on the outcome of this meeting will be made at the AGM.
Trustees have also been involved in meetings with the representative of the Scottish Culture Minister and the two national heritage bodies involved with the Bridge; Historic England (formerly English Heritage) and Historic Scotland both of which have expressed concern at the continuing deterioration of the structure. One of several anomalous situations arising from the Bridge’s unique geographical situation is that each body is concerned with only that half of the Bridge falling within its national jurisdiction; and while Historic England consider that the state of their half warrants it being placed on their Heritage at Risk register, the Scottish half is not on Historic Scotland’s equivalent Buildings at Risk register - an anomaly that may be resolved on review this year.
One of the principal reasons for the formation of the Friends body, was NCC’s desire to have in place a local community heritage group to assist it in its application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for grant funding towards those parts of the project which would qualify for assistance from that body. NCC have appointed consultants, Consult Robinson, to prepare and submit funding applications to HLF. The Trustees were involved with the consultants during the preliminary stages of the submission and expect to assist in the Stage 1 application which is to be submitted before the end of 2015.
The Trustees were pleased to be able to arrange a meeting, in August, with the newly-elected MPs representing the two riparian constituencies; Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed and Calum Kerr, MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk. The two MPs were able to set aside political differences to commit themselves to the project and we look forward to their continuing support, along with that of John Lamont MSP, who had previously signified his support.
Important links were established during the year with two iconic bridges; two Trustees visited the Tees Transporter Bridge at Middlesbrough in January when they received a detailed briefing on the local authority’s experiences with the HLF bidding process and funding control; and two Trustees visited the site of the new Forth Crossing, to seek to forge a link between the newest and the oldest Scottish vehicular suspension bridges. Considerable and continuing interest in the restoration project was generated by that meeting.
It is a principal function of the Friends to promote and publicise the Bridge’s unique engineering, architectural and historic heritage not only locally but also further afield. Amongst the 400+ individual membership are Friends from all corners of the British Isles as well as from Japan and the Americas. A corporate membership scheme, aimed at encouraging local businesses to support the project has also recently been launched. For the second year, the Trust participated in Heritage Open Days on the 12th and 13th September with an information stall on the Northumberland side.
Despite mixed weather, the stall attracted over 60 visitors. Other promotional media include the Trust website at www.unionbridgefriends.co.uk, an active facebook page and membership newsletters.
An education outreach to first/primary and middle schools in the area has recently been launched and it is intended to structure Bridge visits by participating schools to fit within the National Curricula.
Finally, to ensure that the Friends remain within the public eye in their local community several social and cultural events have been organised. A successful and well-attended ceilidh was held in Horncliffe Memorial Hall in September; a charity Dinner and Auction is to be held in Paxton House on the 7th November; a piano recital by Harris Playfair and Heather Cattenach is to be given in Paxton House on February 26th 2016; and a performance by the music department of The Berwickshire High School is to presented within the school concert hall on February 19th 2016.
Membership Renewals
Membership renewal notices will be issued on a calendar monthly basis, starting shortly. Members’continuing support for the work of the Trust will be greatly appreciated.
Incoming Resources
Membership Subscriptions (individual) £1143
Membership Subscriptions (corporate) £510
Miscellaneous contributions and donations £3311
1982 Total incoming resources £4964
Resources expended
Printing and stationery, postages and
Miscellaneous items £719
669 Total resources expended £719
1313 Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources £4245
1313 Net Movement in Funds for the Year £4245
-- Total Funds brought forward £1313
Total Funds carried forward £5558
The Trustees present their Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 30th September 2015 The provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” (March 2005) amended 2008, is used in preparing this Annual Report and Financial Statement, so far as it is applicable to the Trust’s circumstances.
The Friends of the Union Chain Bridge is a registered charity in England and Wales (registration in Scotland is pending) constituted as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) under a Constitution dated the 4th May 2015. The conversion of the charitable trust into a CIO was approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the charity held in the Village Hall, Paxton on the 29th January 2015.
The Objects of the Charitable Trust
The objects of the Trust are:
1. To promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical, natural and man-made environment by promoting the historical and architectural heritage of the Union Chain Bridge (“the Bridge”) in the parishes of Horncliffe, Northumberland, England and Hutton, Berwickshire, Scotland and of the natural environment in which the Bridge is situated.
2. To advance the education of the public, in particular in relation to the history and architecture of the heritage of the Bridge by developing public interest in the architecture, history and heritage of the Bridge by means of publications, public lectures and exhibitions and co-operation with schools and other educational establishments and other bodies and societies.
All the activities of the Trust to date have been in full accordance with the objects of the Charity. Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities
The law applicable to charities in England and Wales requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources of the charity for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the trustees are required to:
select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently
observe the methods and principles in the Charities SORP
make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent
state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material
departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements
prepare the financial statements on the ongoing concern basis unless it is inappropriate tom
presume that the charity will continue in operation
It will be appreciated that, as the charity is in its infancy and, particularly, as yet without investments and/or investment income , the financial statement set out on page 5 is basic and that the majority of the methods and principles set out in the SORP are as yet inapplicable to the charity’s accounts. The trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 2011, the Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 and the provisions of the trust deed/constitution. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
The Trustees meet in accordance with a meeting calendar; they currently meet on a monthly cycle but additional meetings are arranged as required. Their business is conducted in accordance with the Constitution dated the 5th may 2015. There is no formal committee structure but ad hoc committees and working groups are appointed from time to time to deal with specific aspects of business delegated to them. The vast majority of business, however, is dealt with by the full Trust body.
Review of Progress and Achievements for 2014/2015
In the sixteen months since the formation of the Trust at a public meeting held in Paxton House on the 25th June 2014, the Trustees have been active in promoting the interests of the Trust in furtherance of their principal objective – namely, the full repair and restoration of the Union Chain
Bridge in advance of its bicentenary in July 2020.
As is mentioned earlier in this report, the charity’s first Constitution was replaced by a more comprehensive trust document earlier this year, following approval at an extraordinary General meeting in January. The perceived role of the Charity had changed fundamentally since its formation as an unincorporated body. It became clear that it was expected to play a significant part in attracting grant funding and NCC indicated that they expected that local charities involved with projects such as this should have incorporated status for various financial and legal reasons.
Accordingly, the membership agreed to convert the charity to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (effectively the same as a limited company but within the control of the Charity Commission rather than Companies House) and this conversion was completed on the 5th May. The charity is now registered as a charity in England and Wales and application has been made to register with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Although the Bridge is the joint responsibility of Northumberland County Council (NCC) and Scottish Borders Council (SBC), the former authority is the lead authority for purposes of day-today maintenance of the Bridge and for taking forward the repair and restoration project towards completion before July 2020. A close and co-operative working relationship has been established with the principal NCC officers involved with the project – James Fell, Heritage and Events Development Manager and Simon Rudman, Highways Asset Manager – and with their SBC counterparts. Trustee representatives are to meet James Fell and Simon Rudman with the Leader of NCC and SBC representatives at Northumberland County Hall on October 27th, to discuss the role
of the Friends in the project and to elaborate on the specific initiatives which they see the Friends undertaking; a verbal report on the outcome of this meeting will be made at the AGM.
Trustees have also been involved in meetings with the representative of the Scottish Culture Minister and the two national heritage bodies involved with the Bridge; Historic England (formerly English Heritage) and Historic Scotland both of which have expressed concern at the continuing deterioration of the structure. One of several anomalous situations arising from the Bridge’s unique geographical situation is that each body is concerned with only that half of the Bridge falling within its national jurisdiction; and while Historic England consider that the state of their half warrants it being placed on their Heritage at Risk register, the Scottish half is not on Historic Scotland’s equivalent Buildings at Risk register - an anomaly that may be resolved on review this year.
One of the principal reasons for the formation of the Friends body, was NCC’s desire to have in place a local community heritage group to assist it in its application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for grant funding towards those parts of the project which would qualify for assistance from that body. NCC have appointed consultants, Consult Robinson, to prepare and submit funding applications to HLF. The Trustees were involved with the consultants during the preliminary stages of the submission and expect to assist in the Stage 1 application which is to be submitted before the end of 2015.
The Trustees were pleased to be able to arrange a meeting, in August, with the newly-elected MPs representing the two riparian constituencies; Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed and Calum Kerr, MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk. The two MPs were able to set aside political differences to commit themselves to the project and we look forward to their continuing support, along with that of John Lamont MSP, who had previously signified his support.
Important links were established during the year with two iconic bridges; two Trustees visited the Tees Transporter Bridge at Middlesbrough in January when they received a detailed briefing on the local authority’s experiences with the HLF bidding process and funding control; and two Trustees visited the site of the new Forth Crossing, to seek to forge a link between the newest and the oldest Scottish vehicular suspension bridges. Considerable and continuing interest in the restoration project was generated by that meeting.
It is a principal function of the Friends to promote and publicise the Bridge’s unique engineering, architectural and historic heritage not only locally but also further afield. Amongst the 400+ individual membership are Friends from all corners of the British Isles as well as from Japan and the Americas. A corporate membership scheme, aimed at encouraging local businesses to support the project has also recently been launched. For the second year, the Trust participated in Heritage Open Days on the 12th and 13th September with an information stall on the Northumberland side.
Despite mixed weather, the stall attracted over 60 visitors. Other promotional media include the Trust website at www.unionbridgefriends.co.uk, an active facebook page and membership newsletters.
An education outreach to first/primary and middle schools in the area has recently been launched and it is intended to structure Bridge visits by participating schools to fit within the National Curricula.
Finally, to ensure that the Friends remain within the public eye in their local community several social and cultural events have been organised. A successful and well-attended ceilidh was held in Horncliffe Memorial Hall in September; a charity Dinner and Auction is to be held in Paxton House on the 7th November; a piano recital by Harris Playfair and Heather Cattenach is to be given in Paxton House on February 26th 2016; and a performance by the music department of The Berwickshire High School is to presented within the school concert hall on February 19th 2016.
Membership Renewals
Membership renewal notices will be issued on a calendar monthly basis, starting shortly. Members’continuing support for the work of the Trust will be greatly appreciated.
Incoming Resources
Membership Subscriptions (individual) £1143
Membership Subscriptions (corporate) £510
Miscellaneous contributions and donations £3311
1982 Total incoming resources £4964
Resources expended
Printing and stationery, postages and
Miscellaneous items £719
669 Total resources expended £719
1313 Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources £4245
1313 Net Movement in Funds for the Year £4245
-- Total Funds brought forward £1313
Total Funds carried forward £5558
09 October 2015
Friends of Union Chain Bridge AGM
The Second
The Friends of
will be held in
Memorial Hall
Main Street,
28th 2015
at 6.30pm
The formal
business will be followed by a talk by Linda Bankier, Berwick Archivist, on
Bridges of the Lower Tweed
All Welcome
04 October 2015
25 September 2015
Early Railways
![]() |
© Northumberland Archives, ‘The Coal Waggon’, ZMD 78/14 |
Researchers into the history and archaeology of early railways who would like to present their findings are invited to indicate their intention to the organising committee by the end of May 2015. A 300-word synopsis should be submitted for consideration by the end of September 2015.The standard length of papers is 30 minutes, with shorter presentations and papers welcome. As before, it is intended to publish the proceedings. Proposals for papers, which are encouraged on such topics as economic, business and social history as well as on technical subjects, and any queries, should be sent to:
18 September 2015
A Pictorial history of Jameson Family
Muriel Sobo's 14 page book is packed with photos not only of the family but also Ponteland history. Copies of the book can be obtained from the author price £4.
17 September 2015
Ponteland Historian September 2015
Ponteland Historian
Newsletter of Ponteland Local History Society
Dorothy Brownlee, our speaker this evening is a
retired school teacher from North Shields.
She is secretary to FISH, a community group closely involved in the Fish
Quay regeneration programme and is also a Trustee of The Net, which is a new
heritage centre recently established in the Old Low Light within Clifford’s
Fort on the Fish Quay.
Saturday 3rd October 2015
URC Hall, Warkworth
‘Magna Carta & King John’
To commemorate the 800th
anniversary of Magna Carta a facsimile of one of only four surviving 13th
century copies of the original document will be on view in St Lawrence’s Church,
There will three excellent speakers - Professor
Nicholas Vincent, Dr Hugh Doherty and Michael Thomson:-
Professor Vincent, from the University of
East Anglia, is the UK's leading scholar on Magna Carta and is also leading a
major research project into its background.
Dr Doherty, a medieval historian, is also from the University of East
His talk will be about Eustace de Vescy,
Northumberland’s leading baron and one of the more implacable opponents of King
Michael Thomson, well known to ANLHS members, has a passion for medieval
history. His talk is entitled “The Events in
Northumbria leading up tp Magna”.
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 7th November 2015
Stannington Village Hall
10.30; Arrival & Coffee
11.00: AGM
12.00 – 1.30: Lunch
1.45:-Introduction to Book Launch
A number of noted historians have been
invited to contribute essays to be published as a memorial to Dr Constance
Fraser and her significant contribution to local history. The limited edition
entitled Northumbrian Miscellany: Historical Essays in Memory of Constance M.
Fraser will be on sale for only £10
3.00:- Celebration
Drink & Cake and opportunity to buy a
copy of the book.
Tyne & Tweed
The Association’s latest annual journal,
Volume 69, has just been published and a copy will be on display this evening.
In May, June & July members enjoyed very successful and interesting visits
to Wooler, Ushaw College, Chester le Street and Durham.
In Wooler members of Glendale LHS accompanied us on afternoon guided tours
visiting, the old Victorian Police Station (complete with original Magistrates’
Court), the URC Church (to see the famous stained glass windows possibly
attributed to one of Rennie MacIntosh’s apprentices), and the former WW2 Land
Army Girls’ Hostel.
The journey south in June provided a morning tour of Ushaw College, near
Durham followed by an afternoon guided tour of the Parish Church of St. Mary
& St. Cuthbert in Chester le Street, where we had the opportunity to spend
some time in the unusual unique museum of the adjoining Anchor’s House
Our return to Durham in July included a morning guided tour of the
Castle and an afternoon visit to the Magna Carta exhibition in the Place Green
Have you got an email address? If so then please provide detail as it allows
us to keep in touch with you between meetings.
If you have already done this then please keep us updated with any
Entertainment this year is “Robson’s
Choice” – an evening of Northumbrian music.
Tickets, price £8, will be on sale from the
October meeting.
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